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Game Master
Vladisk Leichtenberg (A morally questionable woman built like an angry truck)
Lux Urius
Triacura Maximus
Fresh Crackbreeze
Slez Blizak
Alastair Swiftbeak
Aegon Serpico
Setairen "Set" Ultor
Orucan, Erynn
Dangerous Acquisition 2 [Gilded Slumber] (Sparkpoint Labs, Ley'Ork)
Plot Synopsis
The party took a train to get to Sparkpoint Labs. On the way, the party discussed a plan for infiltrating the Labs. After debating between seducing the guards or posing as a tour group of elementary school kids, they eventually settled on pretending to be job applicants and a scientist giving a tour. Bypassing the paparazzi hoping to catch a glimpse of Hawk Stranglehold (Vincent’s campaign), the party briefly spoke to the receptionist before exploring the first floor. They ignored the glass rooms filled with scientists working on showcase projects and went up a stairwell. Sending Vladisk in to investigate the third floor as a janitor, the party narrowly avoided suspicion from a guard passing by for his lunch break, as the cafeteria, security room, and lounge were on the third floor. The party fails to avoid suspicion when they are still in the stairwell outside the second floor, as they spent too long debating what to do after Fresh went to scout the floor (which had a conference room and offices). With the a
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