September 14, 2004

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Juno Beckwith
Mary Caecias
Lark Debble
Iam Lyon
The Watcher
Otis Kalokagathos


Just Another Day - 3 (New Spire City, Ley'Ork)

Plot Synopsis

Surveying the warehouse owned by the Dead Jackalopes gang named Chirping Bird, the party finds the dangerously unstable magical weapons they were hired to apprehend. Inspection of the mage corpses reveals that any individual who attempts to use these weapons risks losing their limb to a form of elemental corruption. After rifling through some documents left behind, the party concludes that all the weapons are in the facility and accounted for, but who gave them to the Dead Jackalopes remains a mystery, a crimson C signed on the letters being the only clue. The party loads 5 of the seven crates onto a hotwired truck while Smokestack opens a pocket rift to store two of the crates contents in his memlocked location in southern Ley’Ork. With that, the party departs for The Union, base of operations for The Working Class.

Upon arrival, they are met with two guards, blue collars as they are called. They ask why the party shows up with a crate full of dangerous weapons uninvited. Breac attempts to explain that they were hired by Jackson Sloane but the guards have never heard of him. The party is eventually escorted inside where they reconnect with Joahna, the giantkin woman Mary saved earlier. The bartender of The Union, a beasthide racoon by the name of Lucy Keeps, grills the party on who they are and what they are doing at the Union. As the party attempts to explain, more blue collars burst in, warning that there is trouble ahead. Lucy sees the opportunity to have some free entertainment so she fully restores the party and asks them to deal with the mess they’ve made.

Waiting for the party outside is Jackson Sloane, accompanied by 6 Warplatforms, autonomous military machina. He complains how his ‘test’ apparently wasn't hard enough and that the higher ups want a bigger display of talent. Forced to get his hands dirty he opens fire on the party and combat ensues. After a couple close calls with The Watcher falling unconscious and Breac taking a targeted electric discharge with the help of the party, Jackson is defeated by a tag team of Mage and Breac. The Warplatforms remaining immediately cease hostility as they drag the supposed corpse of Jackson Sloane back through the street. Lucy thanks the party and pays them for the weapons they ‘delivered’. Just Another Day in New Spire City.

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