September 14, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Jiang Chi


Cave Story (Game 2) [Gilded Slumber] (Alba Bay, Shinneok, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

The party took Silvia to the room with the pedestals to further translate the markings on the floor. She gave them the list of items they had to find. One was an old blue cloak, one was a cursed rose, one was a sapphire, and the last was called a silent mushroom. The party decided to first check in the deep hole that opened in the floor.

Heading down, the party found a hallway. Heading north, they disarmed a few traps and came across another room filled with coffins. Shahz investigated one, which started a combat. Four old zombies fought against the party with steel weapons. One of the zombies disturbed the central coffin, causing it to become Grave Cursed. Because of this, the party was able to quickly dispatch with the enemies and move on. Vasalor and Heliophos moved back south and found a part of the cave that hadn’t been carved. It was more natural. Vasalor spotted a sapphire from the corner of his eye, and Heliophos pulled it out. A sand trap was triggered, but Heliophos was able to dig through it and took some old golden gears that he later sold to Toby Brown.

The party continued up a staircase, coming to a circular room filled with doors. It seemed each doorway was attached to a portal that led to a different door on a different level. One wrong choice and you could fall to your death from 40 feet in the air. The party was able to determine which door didn’t have any dimensional magic used on it. From these they were able to get the cursed rose and the blue cloak after solving a puzzle related to old Shinnean legends about the terror of making deals with the Dreamt. Heliophos also got a special flower able to be used as a poison ingredient. Once everything was gathered in the pedestal room, a door opened leading to a final coffin and an alchemist’s table with a mortar and pestle. Sylvia got an odd idea and made a brew from the ingredients inside the Chalice of Caughterhey (the golden chalice), which she drank. Doing so caused her to speak an odd poem in a voice not her own.

“Awful ruler of decay
In a land without the day
Seek him out, do not delay”

The party led Sylvia back and got their pay from Toby. They negotiated to be allowed to keep the chalice because it was technically gold.

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