September 15, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zachary Evans
Ujyaku (Holly)
Nozireh (Inara)
Reme Lebeau (Ben)
Chang Ziruo (CiCi)
Cel (Aria)
Rik (Eli)


In the Light of a Crimson Moon 3 [Gilded Slumber] (Perringham, Shinneok)

Plot Synopsis

Party started combat with the CC who summoned a second monster. Rik sent it to the Dreaming but was inside of it and went along with it. Battle continued until a chaos effect blew everyone up and due to the ritual a reaction occurred that sent them to the Dreaming. They came across a screaming rock that was hollow and Chang adopted the small rock inside and named it Katherine Meat. The party then got to the library of Archser and used the location book to find a way out via the Vervand lake portal. Ujyaku took the Recordatio path out. Rik came out in Vervand while the rest of the party woke up in the lake underwater 2 months later, their bodies scarred and waterlogged. They made their way back to town and Rik via delve discovered the CC got back after only a week and took the shard of the crown and left.

Noteworthy Postgame Events