Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Juno Beckwith
Mary Caecias
Lark Debble
Iam Lyon
The Watcher
Otis Kalokagathos
Just Another Day - 2 (New Spire City, Ley'Ork)
Plot Synopsis
The party assesses the situation after that attack by The Dead Jackalopes on the city block. The party splits, with Lark and Iam going to investigate the fallen member while the rest see to the wounded on the scene. While tending to the wounded that party encounters a Giantkin woman who thanks them for their services and warns the party to leave before the cops arrive. Taking her advice the party heads to a local safehouse owned by The Working Class that was remembered by Mage and Iam.
Once arrived, Iam pulls the Dead Jackalope member aside who faces elemental corruption on his arm from the gauntlet he wears. After some torture, the elf spills about another delivery to Chirping Bird, one of the hideouts of The Dead Jackelopes. After dinner is made and Iam leaves to pursue other interests, the party gets a full rest while sleeping in the safe house.
The next evening the party abushes the delivery at Chirping bird, intercession the armaments and dispatching the members there.
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