Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Juno Beckwith
The Watcher
Iam Lyon
Lark Debble
Mary Caecias
Otis Kalokagathos
Just Another Day - 1 (New Spire City, Ley'Ork)
Plot Synopsis
The party meets up in the Sapphire Star and are all given drinks with messages written on their coasters. Iam decides to snort the shots and makes a show of himself, including charming a bouncer, before the party goes back to a private room where the party was all invited. Jackson Sloan, a flamboyant man who’s ostensibly a member of the Working Class, shows up, two beasthide boytoy/muscles with him, and gets to business.
He wants to hire the party to help him get a rival gang called the Dead Jackalopes off his turf, as they’ve acquired some magical items recently that he doesn’t like them having. He doesn’t particularly care how, but he just wants the job done.
The party starts collecting information. Otis receives a strange riddle from At’ena when he asks how to find the Dead Jackalopes, and the others eventually surmise that they are holding a meetup in some warehouse at the edge of the city. This warehouse is marked by graffiti of a bird on its side.
Suddenly, there’s chaos outside: several bars have been attacked by people wielding weapons, and the nature of the attacks appears to be elemental magic. The attackers declare themselves to be the Dead Jackalopes, and the party notices that some of them appear to have been physically corrupted by the elemental items they carry.
Noteworthy Postgame Events