July 07, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Anthony Hauguel
Kisha (Badigadi & N (Summer) Spawn, Priest of Osiris)
Jessie Shields (What if Arthur Morgan was like, an ancom malewife, and also a Werewolf.)
Milo (Julio)
Ælfwynn (Bryan)


Ashfalls (GM Plane)

Plot Synopsis

A listing appears on hiring boards across Jaern. They all seem handwritten in the same elegant, practiced hand.

"Adventurers sought to deal with a group of bandits that have become too overconfident for their own good.

Party traveled to another plane to deal with a bandit problem. They attempt to draw out the bandits by buying a cart, some horses, and some empty wooden boxes after terrifying the villagers. They lure out the bandits and combat ensues. Kisha dies from a critical hit and uses her free Isis rez. Party finishes killing the bandits and return to their hirer.

Noteworthy Postgame Events