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Game Master
Vesper: Arlais
Chloe: Inara
Grant: Maxi
Brock: Kazton
Sebin: Ildrei
Josh: Dark
Maddie: Altiel
Ethan: Opaneth
Grant2: Nissafor
Jake: Karasu
A Better Cure 2: Cure Harder
Plot Synopsis
With Dave dead from the fight to the death, no one stands in the party’s way of winning trivia night at the tavern to celebrate the plan going so well. The party goes on a tour of Sparkpoint labs with Hawks Stranglehold, and for a while things go fine as they plan a distraction and are each given a free desert eagle. Then Arielle’s party triggers an alarm and Hawks goes upstairs to investigate. He finds a random guard he doesn’t recognize (it’s his first day), and spends the rest of the session brutally beating the guy up thinking he’s a spy or something. Meanwhile the party convinces the scientists in charge of them while Hawks is gone to show them the planar linking device. The power goes out but they survive and make their way to it. Then Sylas instructs them to find and kill or wake the person channeling The Pure Scale so its power can increase to help in their escape. They do, meaning it is fully powered now.
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