September 07, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zachary Evans
Allarus (Andrew)
Cel (Aria)
Chang Ziruo (CiCi)
Reme Lebeau (Ben)
Nozireh (Inara)
Eevee (Gale)
Ujyaku (Holly)
Rik (Eli)


In the Light of a Crimson Moon 2 [Gilded Slumber] (Perringham, Shinneok)

Plot Synopsis

Rik, Eevee, and Allarus wake up in an inn and upon exiting run into Chang and Cel who had returned to town. Cel steals a sword from a blacksmith’s shop and Rik flies away to meet the others at the lake. Meanwhile Eevee, Allarus, and Chang break and enter into a house, raid and damage a pantry, and then toss a sleeping man at a wall (Chang catches him). They then make their way to the lake. Rik heads over to the lake, chaos ensues and eventually everyone is there. They talk to the Crimson Circle and through an intense battle words manage to learn they are conducting a ritual to cleanse an ancient artifact. Eevee then throws one of them into the lake, creating a distraction for Nozireh to steal potions and for Rik to try and sneak up to steal the artifact while invisible. Unfortunately, he didn’t pay attention when one of them said they could see magic. He gets caught the the 5 people proceed to the lake to conduct their ritual.

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