August 21, 2024

Game Master
Charlie Von Otto (Devil Heiress. Daughter of Wyren Von Otto)
Kelp (A little guy with a big sword)


*The steady drumming of a lazy tide wakes you from your slumber. You open your eyes and the bright summer sky spreads like a vast ocean above you. The sand beneath your head is warm and comforting. Strange looking seagulls circle in the sky following a rather large pelican. You have no clue how you got here, you merely remember falling asleep the night before in your own bed and waking up here. "Hello, friends! You're new around here. May I ask for your names?" You sit up and see in front of you and odd mouse like creature with yellow fur and a jagged tail smiling at you. Next to you are strange creatures you've never seen before looking just as confused as you are. You look down at yourself and see hands that are not your own.*

Plot Synopsis

The adventurers were brought into an alternate world in their sleep and were put into the bodies of Pokemon. After meeting Pikachu and learning a bit about the world, they formed a "Rescue Team" called "Beach Episode!" and went into a cave system after an earthquake to rescue a baby Sentret. While down there they killed a corrupted Wishcash bringing a hopeful end to the earthquakes.

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