August 21, 2024

Game Master
Charlie Von Otto (Devil Heiress. Daughter of Wyren Von Otto)
Kelp (A little guy with a big sword)


*The steady drumming of a lazy tide wakes you from your slumber. You open your eyes and the bright summer sky spreads like a vast ocean above you. The sand beneath your head is warm and comforting. Strange looking seagulls circle in the sky following a rather large pelican. You have no clue how you got here, you merely remember falling asleep the night before in your own bed and waking up here.

Plot Synopsis

Duration: 2 weeks

The adventurers were brought into an alternate world in their sleep and were put into the bodies of Pokemon. After meeting Pikachu and learning a bit about the world, they formed a "Rescue Team" called "Beach Episode!" and went into a cave system after an earthquake to rescue a baby Sentret. While down there they killed a corrupted Wishcash bringing a hopeful end to the earthquakes.

Noteworthy Postgame Events