June 06, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zoe Kogut
Wisteria (Emma)
Floki (Blas)
Oswald (Harrison)
Kakashi (Goose)
Ignita (Cole)


SuO: Nihility [Session 3] (Alwadiha; Jearn)

Plot Synopsis

In the resulting chaos the party is able to eliminate the Caller in Darkness. Floki then is able to revive Kakashi before the group starts to explore the Observatory.

In one of the side rooms they are able to find more of Tsorren’s work, this time relating to the binding of a spirit to another being. It doesn’t take long for the party to realize that he had done this with Anemone around a month or two ago. The party heads back down the mountain to the hotel to meet up with the other party.

Noteworthy Postgame Events