Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zoe Kogut
Wisteria (Emma)
Floki (Blas)
Oswald (Harrison)
Kakashi (Goose)
Ignita (Cole)
SuO: Nihility [Session 2] (Alwadiha; Jearn)
Plot Synopsis
While the others are going into the side rooms, Maxim and Nikita show them the plans that they found showing where Tsorren might have gone next. The party retrieves Ren from the lab, deciding to put him into the Dreamwalk Hotel (the hotel the party has been staying at) while they chase after Tsorren.
They make the day's journey to the Sahar Ruya Observatory, encountering some weird flesh-balls that act weirdly aggressive causing the party to obliterate most of them before continuing. Kakashi and Oswald save the first one they encountered as a member of their clan.
Upon getting to the observatory they find it weirdly eerie and empty. Piecing together clues, the party figures out that Tsorren had come near not but a week ago and experimented on the researchers here- turning them into the weird flesh-balls that the party encountered.
Making their way to the main room- Kakashi unknowingly walks into Tsorren’s machine and gets trapped inside. The party desperately tries to turn the machine off in time to save their friend, but are unable to do so in time as Kakashi’s body is turned to pure energy. In the resulting instability of the energy, it collapses in on itself and turns into a Caller in Darkness.
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