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Game Master
Zoe Kogut
Wisteria (Emma)
Floki (Blas)
Oswald (Harrison)
Kakashi (Goose)
Ignita (Cole)
SuO: Nihility [Session 1] (Alwadiha; Jearn)
Plot Synopsis
The party arrives at the Al’akadimiat Zinjar in their search for Tsorren. They learn that while he does work here some of the time, he hasn’t been seen in the last week or so.
They go to check on his office, scaring away everyone in the hallway outside and find two people already rooting around his office. After discussions they decide to team up with these two, who introduce themselves as Maxim and Nikita.
Wisteria finds a letter written specifically to her, that only she can read, and thus starts the trail of puzzles leading to his lab. They go through a series of puzzles, from searching a painting for numbers to trying keys on a door that have a few slightly-deadly adverse effects, before getting access to the lab.
Within the lab they find a variety of experiments, the most notable being Tsorren’s body, mind, and spirit creation experiments. The culmination of them resulted in the creation of Ren, Wisteria’s childhood friend.
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