Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Steven Huang
Charlie Von Otto (Devil Heiress. Daughter of Wyren Von Otto)
Bronya (Brady B)
Vingrin (Kenzie L)
Nxiya (Fairy Shenanigamer with a camera)
Gerome (Andrew)
Reyn (Dragon Warrior damage sponge and Ley'Orkian lizardman of the "bad guy" group known as The Running Riots.)
Ray (Jack)
"Adventure Quest: At the HoYoFair 2"
Plot Synopsis
Various adventurers get projected or teleported from wherever they’re at into MiHoYo HQ. Varin and Charlie are specifically astral projected from their current campaigns and return with the memories of the events but none of the physical fatigue (they did not take rewards). They are outfitted with a bracelet that displays information needed for the current area and minigame, as they hop between various HoYoVerse IPs testing out different modes. They managed to win the first minigame, Teyvat Turboflux Tail-Light Trail, being a team based rally race and capture the objective.
Rewards: 300 gold, 2600 exp
Noteworthy Postgame Events