Game Master
Noah Kauffman
Diaboli Ex Machina 7A-10A (Cahyali, Ley'Ork)
Plot Synopsis
Summary of games from June 27th to July 18th (July 18th being the final)
The party was able to escape from Motherbase and make their way back to the HQ of the Black moons. after completing several other missions to prevent the spread of Cerberus's influence. the party was also attacked by several dreamt wraiths in the middle of the night during one session and after a close call with some of party nearly dying they were able to scare them off and even return some of these dreamt back to their original selves.
at the very end of the campaign the party faced off against Jetstream Sam who fused his body and conciousness with the infernal war machine. through a battle that saw 3 party members go down in the fight. the group managed to eek out a victory and force the warmachine to self destruct by being pulled into the abyss that runs through and sits below the Beneath
exp: 3,000
gold: 3,000 (for final campaign reward)
note: this was originally a 10 player game that got split into two groups. group B had to end early due to circumstances
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