July 20, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zachary R Berglund
Rodrigo The Penguin
Clementine (Cold Blooded Killer Rogue)
Mal Ravanal


Insanity of Nezrathis Mid-Campaign Write-up

Plot Synopsis

This write up is for Several games

3 games - Party investigated a nearby town, discovered a vampire, and actions taken by a foreign cult disguised as bandits to cause problems.

1 Game - After doing the royal family a favor, they had an Rp session meeting them and touring the castle

3 Games - Prince Assassination Series, party helped out the royal family again by acting on a tip about a possible assassination on the youngest prince during his coming of age ceremony. They ended up in a showdown with the assassin who nearly took the entire imperial family hostage, only to discover that the foreign nation to the north was the one who ordered the hit. This led to the preparation and declaration of war.

2 Games - Party investigated stories of a nearby cult to the north, there they learned of their connection with the prince of the imperial family.

3 Games - In the guise of keeping as a spy, party decided to assist in infultration of a enemy command center, where they learned of the secret information and visions the enemy army was being granted by an eldrich diety named Kos.

Reward so far

1000 GP for Town investigation

1000 GP for Prince Asassination

1000 GP for Commander Infulrtation

Noteworthy Postgame Events