June 27, 2024

Game Master
Noah Kauffman


Knights of Damnation (Beneath. 5th layer)

Plot Synopsis

Summary: this game went from 6/27/24 to 7/7/24 (total of 3 weeks)

The party made it to Midnight's Rest and shortly after heading there and meeting with the council. the party were then tasked with traveling to the 5th layer of the Beneath and meeting with the Senate Demonica to secure an alliance. the party went from the second layer downward. along the way the party faced off against the invaders of the Beneath, the infernals and white-clads. the party faced off against them in several combats on their travel there. when they reached the fourth layer the party took a secret route that led to a shadow demon that they had to fight. the party nearly lost Rik and Kelp's soul was sucked into a lantern but then retrieved. after a long journey the party then made their way to the 5th layer and took some time to rest. afterwards the party engaged in an arena combat where they faced off against 6 of the Von Ottos. the party managed to win but this came at the cost of the death of Professor James. James was then replaced by the entity simply known as Squiggles, the party with their victory secured their position as knights of hell and soon were able to convince the senate to join forces with Midnight's Rest. in the final moment the party then helped to fend off a massive invasion of the infernals. after being victorious, the party was able to finalize the alliance.

during the down time the party also made some purchases totally to 1500 gold combined.

EXP: 8,100
Gold: 900

Noteworthy Postgame Events