June 29, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Steven Huang
Bailin Howard (An earth mage support/blacksmith/researcher weirdo)
Ray (Jack)
Cal 'The Jackal' Tepiv (If it is your time to die, that you shall. If you need assistance please feel free to attack.)
Ourus (Caleb)


Leyline Ping Part 3

Plot Synopsis

The hirer decides to have an ongoing hiring for the exploration party. Party gains 2 more members from the last expeditions. They managed to reach the center island containing the tower and have figured out that there are numerous switches around the islands that can turn off the artificial sun. They also fought a mysterious warrior type enemy and have possibly found a way to go deeper into the towers.

Reward: 2500 exp, 400 gold (this includes gold from chest)

Noteworthy Postgame Events