June 16, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Kisha (Brady B.)
Siya (Freya G.)
Alette (Seth E.)
Rhea Action (Spencer B.)
Michael (Devin P.)
Art Clas (Juno B.)


A Whispering Flood: Ship of Fools III (GRP, Jaern)

Plot Synopsis

The party, having dealt with the cult, takes a night to rest and recuperate. They report to the Onivero the next day, and head off to destroy the ship once and for all. They bring explosives, planning to blow apart a critical location and sink the ship before the creatures can put it back together. On arrival, they can see that the ship is now more flesh than wood.

Siya infiltrates the bottom to plant the explosives, and the others fight down from the top. As the explosives go off, a massive flying creature hatches from an "egg" in the bottom of the ship and begins attempting to escape, severely injuring the party in the process. The Onivero interfere, using magic to harpoon it and hold it down. The party manages to put it down as the ship finally sinks, though, and make it out alive. The Onivero reward them for their help with a carefully selected group of "shiny things", and they go their separate ways.

Noteworthy Postgame Events