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Game End Date
Game Master
Brady Black
Charlie Von Otto (Devil Heiress. Daughter of Wyren Von Otto)
FF-FE Prequil Vampire Arc Session one
Plot Synopsis
The vampire scourge who keep attacking our fine people have finally slipped up, we have found a place where they're holding captives, we need YOU to drop in, evac the good people and return safely" -Lunari Wyren
Party charges into a realm where the vampires have been found, search around finding a very barron realm devoid of life almost entirely. It's so empty they are concerned on how they are breathing. The buildings are suspiciously well kept on the outside, but super dusty on the inside. As party searching around trying things they find a lone drained human barely alive, rescue them and heal them, carry them out, ambush the enemies ambush, kill one man via effective mind control and the other guy ran off for help. Party panics and runs back through the portal to quickly causing the portal to collapse in on itself and leaving a lot of questions.
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