June 04, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Ji Sunraku (Matt C.)
Uriel (David E.)
Jessie Shields (Maddox)
Sochi (Freya G.)
Vladisk (Kenzie)


Ladies in Lead II (Splint, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

After whipping up the miners of Talon's Creek into a frenzy, the party incites a riot near the bank and slips in in the chaos. They take the tellers hostage and obtain keys to the bank vaults, then beat up some hired muscle and head down into the vaults. Inside, they find three magical security systems: a field of "lasers" powered by a sigil on the ceiling, a dimensional lock, and a golem made out of treasure controlled by an unseen Neptunian. One by one, they dispatch each security measure. Vladisk nearly dies when the Neptunian sets the coins in her bag on fire.

Ultimately victorious, the party distributes the coins in the bank throughout the town and chases the banking company away. They raid the vaults for minor items kept in there by the ultra-rich, and then go their separate ways.

[Players were given the choice of receiving an Apprentice or Expert-tier item, or 1000 gold. Jessie received KIB056, Uriel KIB057, and Sochi KIB058. Vladisk and Ji took the gold reward.]

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