Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Jessie Shields (Maddox)
Uriel (David E.)
Ji Sunraku (Matt C.)
Sochi (Freya G.)
Vladisk (Kenzie)
Ladies in Lead I (Splint, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
The party arrives in the small town of Talon's Creek, and comes together at the Desert Rose brothel to speak to their hirer, the brothel's proprietess Dakota Wesson. She explains the situation: one of her girls, a lady with Vervish heritage named Lizzie, was shot in the head the night before. Strangely enough, no one saw or heard the gunshot even though the murder was committed on the back porch of the Desert Rose itself. The party investigates Lizzie's room. Vladisk uses her blood-sensing abilities to find a dagger covered in blood, and the room clearly had signs of a struggle. Jessie finds some documents in a locked drawer, suggesting that Lizzie had ties to the communist Splint Peoples' Union faction and had been planning with some others to rob the local town's bank.
The party goes up to the cemetery where Lizzie has been buried, and Sochi uses soul sight to track Lizzie's spirit to where it has seemingly ventured down beneath the bank. They find out that the bank hires various sorts of huscle to intimidate people into doing the things they want, one of such being a gunslinger named Jack Thornton. They investigate at the saloon, and find a few folks from Jack's posse. Jessie, with the backup of the rest of the party, thoroughly intimidates them and they tell him where Jack has gone. He's gotten on a train headed towards the Ley'Ork border, seemingly trying to smuggle something.
The next day, the party follows on the rail line up to a small outpost near the border, where they find Jack accompanied by a few red-robed mages. Jessie talks to Jack, and Jack suggests working it out in the streets at high noon. The two get into a cowboy standoff, which soon explodes into a full battle between the party, Jack, and the mages. The mages die, and Vladisk eats their bodies. Jack was spared by the power of Anubis, and the party sees a shadowy black dog walk through the town before he begins breathing again. They leave back for Talon's Creek and receive their payment, planning to finish what Lizzie started.
Meanwhile, Jack is given "one last chance" by a few well-dressed men who give him some money, as well as a coin marked with the logo of the Vane Corporation. He's sent off north, and told not to fuck up again.
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