May 16, 2024

Game Master


Diaboli Ex Machina 2A (Ley'Ork, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

Summary: after getting through the guards the party descended to the next layer of the bunker. however, Raiden decided to stay behind and act as a guard. going off of instinct. the party also managed to convince one of the guards to leave and was later picked up by the dark moon squadron. as party descended and Raiden was left behind (along with VAL as Dan W was not able to attend that day), Raiden was met with an individual by the name of Samuel, a cyborg warrior much like himself and having a similar sword. Samuel told Raiden that he was denying his purpose and after a back and forth. the two parted and Samuel went down below. Meanwhile the rest of party went about disabling the cameras before coming face to face with Samuel and defeating him (for now).

Exp: 2,700
Gold: 300

Noteworthy Postgame Events