Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Fedor Koleganov
Big Yang
Wandering through the Kroan Desert you see a pillar of smoke in the distance.
Plot Synopsis
- Party found a village of the Bonepicker tribe burned down. All corpses had visible signs of acid damage or magical poison
- The only survivor (the head shaman) asked them to retrieve an artifact from the snake temple inside the cave and then died.
- The entrance to the cave was badly damaged by a large quadruped creature with tale and possibly wings.
- The went inside and fought some spirit snake guardians defending the artifact and in character solved a puzzle to open the containment area of the artifact.
- The walls of the central chamber depicted an ancient history of friendship between an azure dragon and people of the valley. The dragon gifted people one of their magical scales that purified the water and granted bountiful harvest to the tribe.
- The artifact turned out to be a magical Dragon Scale, azure in color, cold to the touch and seemed to purify poison and clean water in the area. Hierophant left a calling card where the scale was found.
- They left the temple with the Scale and soon heard the furious roar in the mix of Draconic and Immortui searching for Hierophant.
- Party delivered the Scale to another Bonepicker tribe settlement, got paid some gold, exchanged some rubies found in the Temple for more gold and then left.
Pay: 2800 xp, 300 gp + 150 gp each for selling big gems.
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