Game Master
Diaboli Ex Machina 1B (Ley'Ork, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
The second party all met up in the Leones desert. following a mysterious set of instructions. the group were able to see additional instructions under the moonlight and soon found a flare gun. firing it the group was then picked up by the Black Moons in a helicopter. a specialized military unit comprised of people from Midnight's Rest, Centralia city, Roguetero, and Unity. the group met with commander Wells who gave them the run down of what is happening. after a little bit of debate the party decided to hit the seaside cove near Farrendale. the party was dropped off once more by helicopter near the cove. as they descended the party decided to try to be stealthy with Mudrock acting as a distraction. however what ended up happening is Mudrock being swarmed by soldiers of the organization known as Cerberus.
the party helped out and dealt with a super old and decrepit sniper that seemed to be half dryad. the party ended up beating the sniper and rushed down into the cove where they were met with a strange train station and a maglev train. the party then boarded and the train sped off to an uknown destination.
exp: 2,700
gold: 300
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