May 09, 2024

Game Master
Ji Sunraku


Diaboli Ex Machina 1A (Ley'Ork, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

The first party all met up in the Leones desert. following a mysterious set of instructions. the group were able to see additional instructions under the moonlight and soon found a flare gun. firing it the group was then picked up by the Black Moons in a helicopter. a specialized military unit comprised of people from Midnight's Rest, Centralia city, Roguetero, and Unity. the group met with commander Wells who gave them the run down of what is happening. the group all decided it would be best to first hit the strange bunker near fort crescent. the party then took off and made their way to the forest. VAL jumped out of the helicopter and proceeded to crush an enemy scout. Sen remembered the mark on the guys arm from the stories told and figured out the group they were up against is called Cerberus.

after some traveling the group found the bunker. crawling with mechanized infantry and large robots. party was able to subdue a remote group. steal some disguises (and Kentaro killed a dude by becoming a bear). the group then soon went into the bunker with their disguises and descended down only to be greeted by an entire production facility.

exp: 2,700
gold: 300

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