Game Start Date
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Game Master
Brady Black
Adventure to the Otherside PbP Session 3&4 (Otherside)
Plot Synopsis
Party having gained the information from Carl starts to head towards the location of Jeff. On the way there party seems to have the worst luck, the ground shakes and shatters, as they make a break for it, and bump off the cliff into a swampy area below. There's a strange fog that seems to swirl around one person at a time, but never doing any real damage. Moving forward everything seems to be a little more unnerving but this area is definitely not right, something is very wrong. It's a new area, but things are array more than usual.
They take a rest, part way through a river appears and later on a Kelpie comes out of the river attacking Tera and Panzer before retreating back into the river damaged. Party continues onwards in the morning and a few more days pass as finally they get to Jeff who's doing a ritual, he finishes the ritual, and it creates a strange seed. The party ask Jeff to make a way out and he creates a teleportation circle that upon stepping onto turns Charlie to ash instantly. Party panics, then Jeff steps on it and also turns to ash. Varin summons the thing that branded his eyes and found out it's a evil god of sorts that says it plans to claim him officially in 2 years time. Afterwards party panics more as more creatures of the otherside begin to show up and everyone heads through the circle appearing in fountain in midnights rest. Afterwards they get Charlie freed from the mind control, Clarissa regrows multiple party members missing limbs with a spell she learns, and then party gets paid, learning that while they were gone for about a month, 3 have passed on jaern.
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