Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Marek Morrill
Mr. Sims (Casey)
Kyrae (Tal/Em)
Sylva (Ting)
Bind Mird (Jonas)
Chang Ziruo (Cici)
Brim (Connor)
Carthage (Cade)
J.I.M (Cody S)
Aria (Iris)
Kira (Mackenzie)
Oneiric Symphony in Scarlet VII [GILDED SLUMBER] (Shinneok, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
Party met up with the Rival party around noon, several hours after they were supposed to meet up with them due the parties spontaneous shopping spree.
Party entered the sewers and noticed that the water was flowing in an unusual way. It was flowing away from the river, not to the river as sewers normally do. They also discovered that this ‘sewer’ system was actually a cooling system for a powerful machine. After going through some exit shafts they found themselves in a room leading to the control rooms and the large missile silo looking shaft.
They sent out Adelard, Carthage, Mr. Sims, Kira, and Change to talk to Mira. Mira was not very passionate about talking to them. She basically said she doesn’t know where the artifact is and that further questions aren’t pertinent. They then asked about the facility and she asked if they really think she would just tell them. They then asked about Jimmy Falon but that went unanswered when Carthage attempted to Charm her using a skill. Mira then rebounded it back to him and commanded the guards to escort them out. (not sure if rebounding a rogue skill is possible even though its magical? They also looked like they were about to just leave not fight).
After the charm was rebounded, the fight went on for a few rounds culminating in Kendrick being petrified then body destroyed and Chang jumping down a hole while grappling Mira. Chang barely survived through two successful counterspells not getting petrified while Kryae chased after them and survived the explosion of 100 grenades getting dumped down into the hole through explosive healing.
Kyrae went and picked them up and party began fleeing through the sewers.
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