Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zoe Kogut
Fletch (Spencer)
Bunny (Arielle)
Lanta (Max)
Cinnamon (Grey)
Frederick (Matthew)
Kaspar (???)
Galaxy-Eye (Shelton)
Hanna (Blas)
Old Houses; and Even Older Stones [Session 6] (Ageron; Jearn)
Plot Synopsis
[Co-GM: Goose]
*note: This is the module ‘Deep and Creeping Darkness’ from Candelkeep Mysteries. I didn’t change many names- so if that needs to be done to keep from literally plagiarizing from this book feel free <3*
They take time to talk and search around the cavern before Fredrick leads them back to the hoard they had found previously. Through investigation (and Hanna’s help) the party is able to realize the skeleton within the room is Vera's Grandfather, and collect the necklace to bring back to her. The party also collects the gold and leaves the mine.
On their journey back they encounter the Boulder Roc again, though this time they antagonize it to bring it down- with a few members flying up to meet it face to face. With help, Hanna is able to possess the bird, and saves a few days of travel back to the town of Maerin. There the party completes their quest, and gets a saddle for Hanna’s new “body”.
Noteworthy Postgame Events