April 01, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zoe Kogut
Fletch (Spencer)
Bunny (Arielle)
Lanta (Max)
Cinnamon (Grey)
Frederick (Matthew)
Kaspar (???)
Galaxy-Eye (Shelton)
Hanna (Blas)


Old Houses; and Even Older Stones [Session 5] (Ageron; Jearn)

Plot Synopsis

[Co-GM: Goose]
*note: This is the module ‘Deep and Creeping Darkness’ from Candelkeep Mysteries. I didn’t change many names- so if that needs to be done to keep from literally plagiarizing from this book feel free <3*

Fredrik, in the time he’s been away from the battle, ends up stumbling into the Meenlock’s hoard. Other than the gold, a strange onyx statue, a large gem, a broken portal, and some strange skeletons- the room is empty. The large gem turns out to contain someone called Hanna, who promises to help in the fight if Fredrick was to bring her along. Frederick obliges and joins the fight again.

The fight continues, now with the help from Hanna and Fredrick- and before long Barry is slain. The party is injured, but with Hanna’s help they all get back to being relatively stable. After the water has settled, the party turns to answer the question of “What the fuck have you found Fredrick?”

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