February 18, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zoe Kogut
Larry (Spencer)
Bunny (Arielle)
Lanta (Max)
Cinnamon (Grey)
Frederick (Matthew)
Kaspar (???)


Old Houses; and Even Older Stones [Session 3] (Ageron; Jearn)

Plot Synopsis

*note: This is the module ‘Deep and Creeping Darkness’ from Candelkeep Mysteries. I didn’t change many names- so if that needs to be done to keep from literally plagiarizing from this book feel free <3*

The party is attacked during the night. In the resulting battle, the infinite-water-bottle that Kaspar carries around was smashed- releasing a geyser that proceeded to half-flood the mines and make a small lake in the clearing outside of it. Cinnamon is turned into a mermaid through these series of events, and the rest of the party is left in decent shape.

After finishing their rest, the party heads into the mines. It isn’t too long before they find the open tunnel to the Meenlock’s nest. In true adventurer fashion they decide to split up into 1-2 person groups to traverse through the cavern- and a few of them are attacked by Meenlocks waiting in ambush. They are able to fight them off- but the battles are tough (especially since they are split in half- and each fighting their own battle).

Eventually they wind- but at the cost of Larry being taken by the Meenlocks, and the rest of the party being incredibly injured. They decide to take a rest before continuing on and trying to save Larry.

Noteworthy Postgame Events