Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zoe Kogut
Frederick (Matthew)
Cinnamon (Grey)
Lanta (Max)
Bunny (Arielle)
Larry (Spencer)
Kaspar (???)
Old Houses; and Even Older Stones [Session 2] (Ageron; Jearn)
Plot Synopsis
*note: This is the module ‘Deep and Creeping Darkness’ from Candelkeep Mysteries. I didn’t change many names- so if that needs to be done to keep from literally plagiarizing from this book feel free <3*
The party begins their trek through the mountains. For a day or two things are uneventful. They occasionally have close encounters with the wild animals of the Ironsand mountains but nothing too major. It is around the second day that the party begins to hear the distant rumble of wing flaps. They proceed to successfully hide with a territorial Boulder Roc, a giant bird who chucks large chunks of rock at its prey instead of swooping down and grabbing its meal. After this way-too-close encounter the rest of the trip is fairly uneventful.
They arrive in Vermillion at noon, though the dreary cloud cover makes it hard to tell. The party decides to immediately split up, and begin to have a bunch of strange occurrences happen to them. Muffled whispering from someone right behind them and shadows flickering in the corner of their vision. They end up regrouping at the mayor’s mansion, splitting up inside to continue the investigation. Kapsar has a strange encounter with a mirror and his reflection downstairs and the rest of the party finds notes of strange creatures upstairs.
They figure out that the silent disappearance of the town is due to a bug-like creature called Meenlock. A dreamt creature that had spawned in from the fear and terror of the miners after the mine collapsed on the workers. The people of the town had tried to stick around, but as the terror grew as people were taken each night- the survivors finally fled. The party takes the book and continues to the mine, deciding to camp outside of it for the night before continuing in the following morning.
Noteworthy Postgame Events