January 21, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zoe Kogut
Frederick (Matthew)
Cinnamon (Grey)
Lanta (Max)
Bunny (Arielle)
Larry (Spencer)
Kaspar (???)


Old Houses; and Even Older Stones [Session 1] (Ageron; Jearn)

Plot Synopsis

*note: This is the module ‘Deep and Creeping Darkness’ from Candelkeep Mysteries. I didn’t change many names- so if that needs to be done to keep from literally plagiarizing from this book feel free <3*

The group converges in the small town of Maerin, nestled in the outskirts of the Ironsand mountains of Ageron. The town is small, too small to be put on most maps- and known well only by those who frequently traverse the Ironsand mountains. After the party causes some chaos within the town, they notice a flier for a missing person and go to investigate.

They talk to a few people, notably Vera- the general store owner, Lukas- the tavernkeep, and Astra- a flower stall owner in the market. Vera gives them the mission attached to the paper they found earlier, saying that some travelers from within the mountains came back talking about a town called Vermillion- and had given her a book that used to be her grandfather’s. Her grandfather, who had disappeared 60 years prior. She wanted people to investigate the town and maybe learn if her grandfather was still around- and if not, recover his remains.

The party accepts, though decides to set off in the morning as the Mountains can get rather dangerous at night.

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