Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Feare (An illegal clone made to work in the many textile mills of Ley'ork, Feare escaped and became an adventurer)
Fianon (Simple Vervish farmer who turned to a life of adventure to save someone close to him.)
Daryl Longmire
Fuel Fools, Game 8: The Big Shot Goes Boom (Co-GM, Gray) (Chongbai, Ruefang, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
The party had a lot of free time waiting for the train to start. Daryl had a fun time exploring his janitorial closet. To do a bit of trolling, he examined the roof, placing a bear trap up there so that any poor curious sod might get caught in it. No one got caught, but it was a funny plan in his eyes. Meanwhile, Fianon, Blue, and Feare were stationed in the Security car waiting to receive orders. As Chief Kai was writing the orders, a party of eleven adventurers from the Across Treacherous Lines and Clouds and Mist; Riches and Honor campaigns stormed into the car and handcuffed Chief Kai. The party was left alone, seeing as they were very clearly adventurers and not standard guards. Now free to do whatever, the trio made their way around the train, trying to find the Lithicar. Rushing onto the roof, the party encountered the group from A Simple Security Test campaign rode in on a dragon. As the parties discussed their adventures, Fingers the skeleton gave Tombi and Spanish Mike the idea to unionize against Daryl. The word “Union” summoned Charles Lithicore himself to fight the large group.
A massive battle ensued, with Charles displaying the power of extreme hax and wealth, dying and respawning many times over. Eventually, he summoned a mech made from pieces of holy weapons, planning to blow everyone to smithereens. Feare pulled some sick maneuvers to trip the mech and make it unable to see, causing Bjorn and Nikolas to grapple the mech’s knees. Fortunately the mech ran out of power. Charles summoned all his gold to make himself into a being of pure metal. Eventually, this form was defeated, exploding into a massive firework as Nikolas threw him into the air. Null and Feare traded Lithicore documents, Bjorn and Fianon bonded over cool weapons, Blue learned the power of magic was far beyond their current understanding, and Daryl learned that not all necromancers are evil.
With the CEO of capitalism defeated, Reufang begins to reassess its values. Fianon, the mercenary from Vervand, continues to find bad guys to blast and deliver vigilante justice. Blue, with the power of Thneeds, continues their search for knowledge of the arcane and good tailoring. Feare, the amnesiac, still searches for potential answers to who they used to be. And finally Daryl, the lonely sandtail of the desert, finally finds friendship after years of isolation, traveling the universe with his two undead best friends.
Noteworthy Postgame Events