Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Fianon (Simple Vervish farmer who turned to a life of adventure to save someone close to him.)
Feare(Duncan) (An illegal clone made to work in the many textile mills of Ley'ork, Feare escaped and became an adventurer)
Fuel Fools, Game 5: What the Fuck Was This Game (Co-GM Gray) (Lithicore Ranch/The Undercity, Ruefang, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
The party woke up in a holding cell after all being captured at the end of the previous session. Rob was there, but he apparated out of there. Fear and Blue put their heads together to try and form an escape plan. Fianon looked at the situation and simply used his strength to bend the bars of the holding cell. Some guards heard the noise and went to check on this, with Daryl stepping out first. Blue put an illusion over the cell to hide the rest of them. Daryl used his natural charisma to convince the guards he was not the same Daryl as was on the prisoner list, as this Daryl was from an ocean rather than from a desert. This somehow worked. He even convinced the guards to give him a tour of the jail. He found where the party’s stuff was being stored, as well as a bathroom, of which he stole the toilet paper. Meanwhile, Seabag reappeared and gave Fianon the keys to the cells. They found some previous mine workers in the other cells, learning many were locked up due to being implicated in the previous terrorist acts or for being in debt so extreme that they end up there. Eventually, the party pried open a grate on the ceiling that was providing a small semblance of natural light, right at the same time as when Daryl left the jail. Now rejoined, the party went on a shopping spree of Lithicore Merch because why the heck not. They got another painting with a cardboard cutout, a bobble-head, and a few Payday-esque masks of Charles’ face. They also avoided the robo-statue of Lithicore made from jinghua.
The party went back to the Undercity to receive their pay from Dionysus. When they arrived, they found out that the new base for the Excavators was a warehouse turned Zepherinite gym. Fianon and Feare did some sick bench presses while Blue spotted, and all received a holy blessing from Zepherin. Daryl, meanwhile, ordered Tombi to break a mirror. Zepherin removed Daryl’s strength and gave Tombi sentience. Tombi promised to stay with Daryl only so long as he was paid and stopped trying to mess around with “other undead.”
The party was sent on a new mission to renovate an old abandoned mine to turn it into some sort of power plant that will help people rather than harm them. They snuck onto another Lithicore steam boat, the LS Nonchalant, and planned from there. Daryl resurrected Spanish Mike whilst in here, starting a sort of soap-opera with him and his undead. He later went into storage and found some more explosives. Meanwhile, the rest of the party determined that the ninja was likely stalking them on this ship, disguised as a sailor lady. Fianon shook her hand to try and determine if it was the same metallic one as the ninja had in their second fight. It was. He immediately ripped it off thanks to the Power of Zepherin and blasted the ninja in the torso. Blue and Feare then rushed in to help. By this time, she was dead. The party slowly looted her, finding her to be mostly robotic at this point, having gone slightly insane from the damage incurred over previous fights, no longer being herself, and being more out for revenge rather than a paycheck. They learned she was named Kisaragi Lei of Raikougan. This left much of her toolset as a mystery, including that strange jade blade Fianon had. They also took her lungs, eyes, and Feare found a strange powercore-type device.
Meeting back up, the party got to night without issue. Daryl ran a few late-night crazy experiments with the jinghua in his lead box. First, he used some drops of blood and a stolen spleen. The spleen became wooden and the blood turned to icy water. Then, taking one of his live chickens, he stuffed it in the box and watched the effects. The chicken’s bones melted as it was exposed to highly concentrated jinghua in an enclosed space where it had no manner of escaping. Daryl tried running a few more experiments, but the rest of the party stopped him. Blue took watch, seeing some strange spirits in the fog of the Sea of Fog as they sailed to their next location.
Noteworthy Postgame Events