October 25, 2023

Game Master
Fera, Tumanako, Krelis, Niko


Solstia 7

Plot Synopsis

Party continued their adventure up Mt Aurora, with a massive thunderstorm raging outside. They came across a dead body to which Anako used spirit call to try and speak with the dead body. He ended up summoning a spirit that was being tortured by someone, and succeeded in a channeling check to break whatever connection was there with the evil entity. Fera used her god abilities to put the soul to rest, but not before hearing that this evil entity is called 'the changebringer'. They continue forward, coming to a chasm where the party gets ambushed and several people nearly go down, but party does successfully flee forward up the mountain. Once they reach the fork, they decide to go to the highest city in the world, a dwarvish settlement called Ridgeside, where they rest for the night in the stable. While there, they investigate the sachel of someone there left with his horse, and find that they are being expected by the elusive SR.

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