Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Fianon (Simple Vervish farmer who turned to a life of adventure to save someone close to him.)
Feare (An illegal clone made to work in the many textile mills of Ley'ork, Feare escaped and became an adventurer)
Fuel Fools, Game 3: Gunpowder Gelatin, Dynamite with a Laserbeam (Co-GM, Gray) (North Zhalong Dai Plains, Ruefang, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
The game began with the party facing off against a strange ninja who claimed to have a bounty on them. Fianon wrecked things, whilst poor Feare just whiffed everything. Blue used portal shenanigans, and Daryl resisted the intrusive thoughts. At the end of the fight, the ninja disappeared into a cloud of smoke, dropping a bit of gold, four Raz-Beri Tonics, and a mysterious blade of jade. They then blew up the Zuanshi Warehouse in Port Bandar, passing out rumors that Lithicore was behind the explosion.
Meeting back up with Boomstick, the party rented a carriage and went on the path towards the mine. The path was blocked by a swollen leyline. Daryl got a bucket, put some of the energy into a bucket, and sealed it inside a backpack. He slept next to it later that night.
The party arrived at the mining town and investigated for information at the tavern. Feare and Fianon worked out that the mine is a safety hazard, but never receives safety checks. The group disguised themselves as a repair team to help fix and stabilize some collapsed tunnels. Daryl searched around the uranium-filled mine for anything leadlined, finding a lead box. Blue, Feare, and Fianon went down the elevator one level. Feare stole some information from the Foreman’s Office in order to better hide his identity. Daryl found some crates of black powder, and the party decided to use it to destroy the mine last minute. Fianon found an alarm and warned the people of the mine that there was a cave-in, with Daryl casting Tremor to make the lie more believable. One Captain Tom, a Jaernian who was head of security, stayed behind. Fianon blasted him and Daryl raised him as an undead. They got everyone out of the mine, stuffed the black powder kegs into the elevator. Using Boomstick’s C4, they exploded everything. Blue and Feare went among the common workers as they were rallied by the foreman, spreading the rumor that Zuanshi Steelworks planned this attack on the Lithicore Mine.
Noteworthy Postgame Events