September 30, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Nathan Buitendorp
Porkchop (Yohan)
Uthor (Jack)
Voxl (36)
Erica (Greg)
Roche (Cole)


Port Haven Jailbreak

Plot Synopsis

Port Haven is a town with a history of being controlled by the mafia. As such, much of the Torites’ present in the city was corrupted by the mafia’s influence. As such, T’or knew this particular enclave would experience a jailbreak when he would execute his reform process. As such, he hired a group of adventurers to contain the escaping prisoners. When the adventurers arrived, the reform started, and most of the enclave was either smited or depowered. The adventurers then contained or killed the escaping prisoners. As a reward, he gave the adventurers 300 gold each. Additionally, Porkchop expressed interest in taking one of the prisoners (Mr. Smiley the chaos mage) with him and helping reform him. T’or granted the request.

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