September 23, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Kentaro Ryou
Yugon Bo
Raiden Naoki
Rilo Kasai
Cyrus von Hans


Along Treacherous Lines I - Prelude [S&S]

Plot Synopsis

The party meets up at the Leaping Kirin Teahouse and follows the instructions given to them by Zheng Chen, and meets with her in front of a decadent feast. She informs them of her grave suspicions regarding Hu Lan and the Ruefang Continental Army, officially commissioning them on a clandestine mission to investigate the Army and confirm or deny Hu Lan’s crimes. Additionally, to kill two birds with one stone, she asks them to investigate the situation of Zuanshi Wei, handing them a letter which she is convinced holds an encryption of some sort, and finally a phase-linked moonstone (KIB031) which will enable them to open communication with her for 5 minutes each day.

Before the party sets off, Rilo heads to do an errand - say goodbye to his father. He intends to slip a letter under the door and leave, but is noticed by his father and has a brief, heart-wrenching conversation before saying goodbye in person and leaving as the fireworks go off. Meanwhile, Cyrus buys a tengu mask and chops the nose off to enhance his bandaged disguise.

She then opens a portal to the foothills of Shanzhu, and the party makes their way to an inn that has been prepaid for them in the lower sections of the residential Gold District. Kentaro, having access to his RCA Academy dormitory in the Silver District, heads off there and puts in a commission to a well-known gunsmith while the rest of the party beds down in the inn. They all notice garish banners for some sort of celebrity charity ball, featuring various Ruefang celebrities, politicians, businessmen, foreign liaisons, and General Hu Lan himself. The party calls Chen, asking if she can help them get into the party.

She advises them to find their own way in, as she doesn’t have the funds or connections to let them sail through, but points them to a Ley’Orkian businessman named Timber Marrowkin who may be able to help - as he’s a good friend of Wei’s and if her hunch on the letter is correct, they may have common enemies. Deciding to think about it, the party goes to sleep.

Noteworthy Postgame Events