September 23, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Brady Black
Big Yang


"Please send dudes, my casting couch was stolen!"

Plot Synopsis

Adventurers showed up to a castle tower to speak with a tiny kobold that told them of his casting couch that had been stolen by orcs in the night. Party searches a forest and finds that there's a sus shack in the woods, filled with bodies decapitated. They find a secret door and head down the hall way to find that every 3rd brick is enchanted. A party member throws a rock which flies wildly out of control and hits a different trigger that sets off a fireball instantly knocking two party members unconcious. Party spends some health potions to find that the end of the hall has a door way with red bull cans everywhere and passed out orcs on the couch. Party takes the couch and heads back and the tiny kobold offers to use the casting couch to cast magic upon them or gold for payment.

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