September 16, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zachary Evans
Katsuo Nao
Xing Yun Yue
Bailin Howard
Ouros Parn


Newbie Campaign Intro Arc- Waking Horizon Session 3- (Co-GM Arielle)

Plot Synopsis

After our brave adventurers ran from the fire ostrich they looked around and found Zimo in a cave. After conversing they discovered he was hiding Ping, a partially corrupted spirit. After some discussion they came to the conclusion that Ping would join them. But for the moment the camped out in the cave and then got themselves stuck with wards. So 3 of them Bailin, Ouros, and Yamato explored a hole in the cave were they battled a worm. Afterward they left. On the ship on the way back they passed over the leyline were Ping reacted and transformed fully. Party brought him down where he nearly died but he was rushed to a hospital and managed to survive. Now party heads towards Chongbai.
Reward: 400 gold for 3 sessions.

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