September 16, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Gaul Soodman
Feare (An illegal clone made to work in the many textile mills of Ley'ork, Feare escaped and became an adventurer)


Gu Tong Disease Part 3; (Co-GM, Gray) (Tiancheng/Lake Xiu, Ruefang, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

The game started with the party fighting the water spirit of Lake Xiu. For a small, scrappy group of young adventurers, they did quite well against the corrupted minor spirit. Fianon and Feare fought the spirit as it approached, knocking the beast away from the airboat. Meanwhile, Blue used shadow magic to create a copy of the boat that the corrupted spirit chased after. Eventually, they made their way to the shrine on the small island. Here, they found a vase spilling out large amounts of water seemingly from nowhere. The water flowing from the vase seemed to remove corruption and pollution from the lake. Blue recalled an old story they heard about giving offerings to certain spirits for protection. Pooling together 50 gold, the party was able to return the minor water spirit’s power, cleansing it of corruption. The spirit thanked them for their work, promising to try doing something about the mine. He also told the party to return in a month, after their next adventure finished.

The party took some of the sacred water after the spirit told them to use it to heal the sick. It turns out, the water was capable of curing any disease from as little as three drops. The party brought a few bucketfuls to Dr Yisheng, who used what she could to cure the uranium poisoning. Now, with the city cleared of pollution and the citizens healed, the party was free to explore Tiancheng. Feare bought some maroglaves (a steel and an iron one) from a weapon shop, the party got some general adventuring gear, and Blue bought a tactical thneed from Rob the Tailor. Rob was stoned out of his mind, revealing Lithicore sells drugs to the locals near the docks, and likely produces other drugs. The party talked to the mayor about trying to do something about Lithicore, with the mayor promising to bring it up in his next meeting and to talk to Charles Lithicore directly about it. He also promised to reinstate an ancient festival commemorating the local spirit, so that its power never drained to the point of something like this ever happening again. The Mayor said that if the party wished to do more, they could head to Chongbai and meet up with hirers and recruiters at the Festival of Blades, as there’s always mercenary groups hiring adventurers there, a few unions fighting Lithicore, even eco-warriors and detectives in recent years.

Noteworthy Postgame Events