August 05, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Mal Ravanal (“What’s the point of being dead, if you don’t live a little?”)
Lavare (The Cursed Air Microdragon)
Silas Von Otto
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)


Laetita Ad Lojem: Brains and Brawn DLC; The Bringer of War (Staerkestadt, Rhine, Jaern)

Plot Synopsis

The party met up in the city and met with the mayor of the town. He told them about the troubles with the invading army, warning them that the army regrew their flesh upon killing a citizen. The party met up with someone they called The Captain, an Orcish man from Tatiana, who lent them access to his Underwaterinator.
The Underwaterinator took them to the Wreck of the Bellum Navis, an old ancient ship from the days of the Veiled Empire. It is thought to be a combination of ancient Veiled Empire and ancient Dahabi technology. The party found there was breathable air inside the ship. Slowly, the party restored power to the ship and went into the captain’s quarters to look for Mars. They kicked his ass and got paid.

Noteworthy Postgame Events