July 30, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Brady Black
I was bad and didn't use a sign up sheet this time


Save Midnights Rest Another expedition into the otherside to attempt to figure out how to send the city back to reality(?), previous expeditions have found the city once, but they left before being able to figure out how to get it back or really confirming exactly where it was as they ended up there by accident. We've confirmed some of the citizens are in danger so we need to move swiftly at this point.

Plot Synopsis

Adventurers chase a blue light for a few days, encounter a traveling salesman of some sort, buy a bunch of various items from him, and continue chasing the light, at the end they find jeff and carl fighting who agree to take a small break then cut party a path back to the mountain they need to be at. Party heads the rest of way finds mercy fighting chupacabras and then party pisses off a SCP whale that eats midnights rest, randomly shunting it through the multi-verse, and then randomly landing back on jaern per chance. Party then notifies Clementine to have her move the city back to the spot it's supposed to be thus ending the game.

Noteworthy Postgame Events