Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Tsoi (Justice Bard)
Quinn (Angel chick with wings and insane bow skill)
Mal Ravanal (“What’s the point of being dead, if you don’t live a little?”)
Lavare (The Cursed Air Microdragon)
Laetita Ad Lojem: Soul Explosion DLC; Me My Mine (Boomtown, Kratal, Jaern)
Plot Synopsis
The party met up in a place known as Boomtown, a small frontier village in Kratal. After chatting with a stranger about the founder of the town and the current lady in charge, the party met with their official hirer. A woman named Reine Sintreaux, Reine clearly had no idea how to deal with adventurers on account of growing up in a cushy life. It was implied she grew up a noble in Tolenice, given her fondness for their art, and has an obsession with Tatianan inventions. She attempted to scam the party with poor contracts that kept them under tight watch, tight raps about the job, and with poor pay to boot. The party used intimidation to convince her to take the standard guild contracts.
Heading out to the mine, they spoke with the foreman, an orc named Glutko Syndaris, about the mine itself. It’s a mithril mine owned by Aurelius Sintreaux, gifted to him by the Baron Tholomes Dominic, tightening the Tolenice connection. Apparently, the mine had been having cave-ins and tremors ever since discovering a strange black obelisk a few weeks ago. The tremors kept getting worse and worse. A cave-in collapsed the entrance just before the party arrived, though thankfully Ravanal was able to open the entrance back up. They saved a few workers, which Glutko was very thankful for. He revealed that he views the miners almost like his own children, and constantly has to fight against Reine in order for them to get basic necessities. Ves told them to unionize.
The party fairly quickly found the obelisk, but upon inspecting it, a tremor hit that cracked the ground, causing the obelisk to sink into a deep part of the earth. It almost appeared as though a city was down there. JB tried to analyze some strange stones along the way, but didn’t recognize them well enough to get info. Traveling deeper into the mines, the party got through some strange traps and pitfalls before heading down a river into what appeared to be an aqueduct. It was here that the party found a city made of an odd bluish-purplish stone. The signs of the city called it Konigsberg, or the King’s Mountain in Dwarvish. The party heard sounds of gunshots and explosions emanating from a colosseum in the center of town.
After entering, the party met a blue-skinned lady with multiple arms. Two of them were machine-gun arms. She also carried a bazooka and a bandolier of strange bombs that appeared to walk. During a brief chat, she revealed herself to be named Kali, and stated her boss Minerva was attempting some stupid plan made by some guy named Toth. She fought the party, and the party was victorious. Afterwards, a bit of brief pillaging and fencing gave the party an extra 100 gold. Ves was able to talk his way into getting an extra 50 gold out of the deal.
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