July 01, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Brady Black
Cal 'The Jackal' Tepiv (If it is your time to die, that you shall. If you need assistance please feel free to attack.)
Charlie Von Otto (Devil Heiress. Daughter of Wyren Von Otto)
Funglorious Maximold
Ausfin Norwild
Walt Disney


Save Midnights Rest Another expedition into the otherside to attempt to figure out how to send the city back to reality(?), previous expeditions have found the city once, but they left before being able to figure out how to get it back or really confirming exactly where it was as they ended up there by accident. We've confirmed some of the citizens are in danger so we need to move swiftly at this point.

Plot Synopsis

Party delved back into the otherside to find the city. During the first night party encounters a massive Chinese dragon that can't be seen through glass, and a 6 story tall don quixote estc silhouette charging at their building. Party finds out that the charging thing can only be seen through the glass of the build, but somehow Z'rissi was able to see some sort of blue outline of it without the glass though, party eventually decides the that it's probably not actually a threat and lays down, not 5 minutes later the building experiences a massive impact shaking it aggressively, then it goes quiet, the rest of the night is entirely calm. More so than most nights in the other side. Party takes off the next morning and rolls a d4 to determine what location they're going to and decide on the mountain. Party upon getting to the mountain sees a massive hole blasted in the side of it that wasn't visible from their previous angle. As soon as they get to it the dwarf realizes that there is a strange ore in the walls that he then collects some of to experiment with. Party then follows the tunnel(?) for a while as it tappers into a smaller shaft, and as they move ahead to then find a brick wall and see a purple glow and realize they are seeing jeffs rune of protection. Last time the city was found it was not there. They search the city only to find a fountain with a red spell circle floating over it, not of jeffs creation, a tug boat actively running but docked, a massive vein of that ore they saw speckles of and then a set of stores that were surrounded a barrier. Spice attempted a revoke, which ends up much lower power than he expects, reducing the dice he's rolling to d4s instead of d6s and it still goes off properly, the barrier shatters like glass making a ton of noise. The party then rushes to collect at this location finding a bottom half of a child and a massive blood trail, which leads to a bathroom with a left arm, then finally to a attic staircase with a ton of blood everywhere. They go up it and find the top half of the child stuck in a position with a chupacabra on top of it, a dagger driven into the side. Both very dead, and very stiff. The party looks into it further, the other corpse pieces seem to be loose and normal, but the upper body and the chupacabra are stuck in a very stiff position. Party determines while it seems like rigor mortis, it also seems like some sort of time stop possibly that they don't understand. They peel the dagger out of the chupacabra and childs fingers to realize it's made of the same ore that was found in the walls. Party then hears the tug boat horn echo across the buried town, and decides to grab the corpse and bury when they return and then heads towards the sound, they get to the tug boat and see it's unchanged, everyone boards it and it suddenly starts to head out into the harbor, party unsure of what is going on because the water clear has a edge, suddenly start going unconcious one after the next, the final two see the tugboat dip 90 degrees into the water and see lots of rainbow colors then pass out. They wake up out at sea in a bright sunlight morning, but the water seems to be fresh water. The realize they may be home, and see land off in the distance, as the tug boat arrives and docks, the docks are entirely empty minus 6 Von Ottos armed to the teeth pointing weapons at them, they quickly state "say nothing, follow us" they lead them to a tent where someone leaves a calendar with todays date circled, and a note "you may leave after the date you entered the otherside has pased", party realizes, they arrived home 3 days before they left to visit the otherside.

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