June 27, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Iron Titan
Noh (Feral Girl)
Robina Goodfelow


Secret of the Swamp (Windiana Dunes State Park, Erth (GM Plane))

Plot Synopsis

The party met up one-by-one as they each spoke with the hirer. He taught them a big about the plane of Eye-rth they were on, and the park they were currently in. He informed the party that there was a large monster, like a squid, somewhere in the swamp terrorizing potential park goers. He took the party as close as he could without worrying about anomalies. The party also briefly saw a raccoon.
The party eventually found a snake in a discarded bag of chips. It tried to bite the Iron Titan, though it’s teeth couldn’t get through his armor. Noh caught the thing and identified it as a Tephis Viper, an absurdly poisonous snake found only in the Kroan Desert. They also found a terribly torn up bench, from some strange termite-like creature.
They party found the swamp where the Kraken rested. After a tough fight, Noh finished the beast off by tearing into it, destroying the being’s brain. She also took some meat from the tentacles to grill a snack.
Upon its defeat, the party noticed that the other side of the bridge had a forest emitting a strange blue fog. Entering the place, they found themselves surrounded by a cacophony of loud terrible noises from different interplanar beasts. On the other side, the party found themselves in the Kroan Desert, not too far from Tephis. Party used negotiation skills to bring a nomad from the city to temporarily disrupt the portal-fog and they enjoyed some time on the water of the swamp, taking in the environment. They alerted the hirer to the temporary solution, offering a way to close it permanently and stop any sort of interplanar travel.

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