Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Brady Black
Cal 'The Jackal' Tepiv (If it is your time to die, that you shall. If you need assistance please feel free to attack.)
"Adventurers needed to go be adventurers somewhere to make a point for me. Thanks" Signed Charles Witherson XVII
Plot Synopsis
Adventurers were given a choice of 6 creatures to unleash on a town in another plane to prove adventurers are capable. Charles that was met with was pure white fur and golden cat eyes. Party choose to fight a sunborn, at the end of the fight the sunborn took a "WRYYY" pose and launched a massive sun, it did one damage to Tyr. Breathing a sigh of relief party goes after the sunborn more, then at the end of the round, tyr starts to glow and exploded, flash banging party. After the blinding effect wore off, party found out cal killed the creature while blinded. Party was given the option of 300 and a custom magical creation, or 1,000 gold.
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