May 20, 2023

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Krag Flippers
Ves Postrey (A skilled gambler with an eye for business and people. Though he can fight he'd rather talk is way through a situation to get what he wants.)
Robina Goodfellow


Laetita Ad Lojem; Episode 12: It’s Almost Time for DragonTales (Temporani Ruins, Lojem, Jaern)

Plot Synopsis

The party met up once again, this time heading towards the mysterious city that appeared on the far away island. As they approached, they came across a Dark Drako supposedly named Zagrithal the Ruinous Death. Notably, Dark Drakos are thought to be extinct on Jaern. Despite all odds, the party trapped the dragon in a highly powerful Maelstrom spell, disintegrating the beast. The party landed and found themselves feeling like they were trapped in the distant past, the ancient times of Jaern. A city of drakos leading common humanoids. Krag transformed himself into a drako and was lucky most of the other drakos spoke Aquan. The leader, Aemoranth the Light One, showed off a pearl she recently found in a long forgotten building near the city. The party identified that it was a key of sorts, meant to open the area. The party waited for the city to go to sleep, before heading to this small building. Using some teleportation shenanigans, they took the pearl and used it to access the dungeon. The dungeon was shaped like a large clock. After a few puzzles, the party found a strange artifact called the Whip of Horos. This was used to solve a few more puzzles. After a brief combat, the party found the automaton, Skuld. After a long and tiring philosophical discussion, the party found a way to reprogram Skuld into working for Samuel rather than Toth, enlightening the being to a different way of life.

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